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Don’t just use any spark plug, insist on NGK spark plugs
Fuel, air and spark are the 3 elements to making any internal combustion run and the greater the standard or delivery of these, the more performance you will gain from your vehicle. This is why it makes sense to use quality NGK spark plugs to maximise the fuel burnt in your engine and give you greater economy and performance from your vehicle. NGK spark plugs nickel tipped range of standard spark plugs are manufactured to the highest standards and suit a huge variety of applications so you can be sure of an NGK spark plug fitting your vehicle.

With over 80 years of experience NGK are not just the world largest manufacturer of spark plugs but also at the forefront of modern spark plug technology. Every spark plug in their extensive range has been designed to not just match or exceed the manufacturers specifications but has been tailored to suit the individual engine application. This all leads to NGK being the right choice of spark plug for your vehicle in whatever environment you operate in. Whether scaling outback dunes in your 4wd, cruising the street in your performance or classic car or just making the run to the shops and back, NGK spark plugs have the quality and reliability you can rely on to maximise your vehicles performance. Through their innovative design and use of precious metals such as iridium spark plugs and platinum spark plugs contribute to improved fuel consumption and acceleration as well as smoother idling when used in your vehicle.